Friday, September 18, 2009

Ph.D. Student Council - September extra - meeting

1. Participants
Stefano Bonetti - MP
Constantinos Giannoulis - SYSLAB/DSV
Dina Pamela Gonzalez Sanchez - COS
Magnus HÃ¥rdensson Berntsen - MP
Zhechao Wang - SC

2. Action items before the Ph.D. orientation day
a) Make final corrections to the Welcome document, and create .pdf. (Magnus)
b) Check Calle Jansson availability for Ph.D. Orientation Day: October 7 or 23 (Stefano)
October 23
c) Book a room for the Orientation Day (Constantinos)
Sal B, October 23, 09:00-12:00
d) Check possibility of getting the lunch and the fika paid by the school (Stefano)
Preliminary positive response (to be confirmed)
e) Check possibility of getting folders, pens and printouts from the school (Stefano)
Waiting for response
f) Check possibility of Ph.D. student pub on Friday, October 23 (Stefano)
Have to ask
g) Check opening Nymble on friday 23 (Magnus)
Have to ask

5. Next meeting
Next meeting is planned on October 5, 2009, at 15:00, in Electrum.

Everyone is welcome to join. As already said, we would like to have at least one Ph.D. Student from each Activity Base. At the moment we have people from COS (Communication Systems), ISS/DSV (Information and Software Systems), MP (Materials Physics), and SC (Semiconductor Devices). We still miss someone from ECS (Embedded Electronic and Computer Systems) and OP (Optics and Photonics)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ph.D. Student Council - September meeting

1. Participants
Stefano Bonetti - MP
Constantinos Giannoulis - SYSLAB/DSV
Dina Pamela Gonzalez Sanchez - COS
Magnus HÃ¥rdensson Berntsen - MP
Zhechao Wang - SC

2. Presentation of the Ph.D. orientation day
Magnus, Pamela and Zhechao presented the documents they prepared. These papers will be distributed at the Ph.D. orientation day. They are all available for editing as Shared Google Documents.

Suggested date for the meeting: October, 7 or October, 23. Final decision to be taken given the availability of Calle Jansson, vice-dean and responsible of Graduate Education at the ICT school.

The proposed program is the following:
10:00 - 11:30 Welcome to Ph.D. students from Ph.D. students
11:30 - 12:00 Welcome to Ph.D. students from Calle Jansson
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30 Campus Tour
14:30 - 16:00 Fika and social activities

3. Presentation of the draft of the constitution of Ph.D. Council
Stefano and Constantinos presented the draft of the constitution of the Ph.D. Council. Main objective of this document is to set some simple rules on how and when to elect the Ph.D. Council members .

4. Action items.
a) Collect and upload on Google Docs the latest version of the welcome documents. (Magnus)

b) Contact Calle Jansson for availability (Stefano)

c) Contact School administration on possibility of getting KTH signed folders and pens, to be delivered at the orientation day. (Stefano)

d) Create a "Contact list" for the people in the administration which are involved with Ph.D. students issues. (Stefano)

e) Finalize the Ph.D. Council constitution. (Constantinos, Stefano)

5. Next meeting
Next meeting is planned on September 14, 2009, at 13:30, in Forum. Everyone is welcome to join. As already said, we would like to have at least one Ph.D. Student from each Activity Base. At the moment we have people from COS (Communication Systems), ISS/DSV (Information and Software Systems), MP (Materials Physics), and SC (Semiconductor Devices). We still miss someone from ECS (Embedded Electronic and Computer Systems) and OP (Optics and Photonics)