Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome back Barbecue

Fellow PhDs,

Warm greetings from the PhD council, we hope that each of had a wonderful semester with family and friends. If you have not taken a semester, we hope one is taken soon. Now that official activities have resumed and all have returned safe and ready to take on another year, we have new and exciting news for all. Before the summer, we had talked about the Jam sessions, where Chris had collected people from KTH and SU with the intent to share interest in the arts, music etc. Also, at our last BBQ, it was announced that other activities were being planned, so get ready here we go!

September 9th 2011, the ICT PhD student council is having another BBQ welcoming you back. This BBQ has a little twist to it. This event will be co-sponsored by the ICT school. We hope that all of you can join this event. There will be plenty of food (Halal and vegetarian) and non-alcoholic beverages available for you. Also there will be games with prizes associated with them. Lastly, the council is seeking those PhDs who are passionate and want to be a part of implementing change. As we all are well aware, KTH has decided to place PhD studies under different programs. In the ICT program we are now looking for students that want to be representatives of PhD students in the three groups:

- Communications
- Electronic Systems
- Integrated Device and Circuits

You will learn more about being a representative at the BBQ and we hope to find volunteers for these positions soon. If you have further questions, please contact your PhD council or Professor Carl-Michael Zetterling (Bellman).

Again, to allow us to better plan the event, we would ask you to sign up either on facebook or sending an email to the council.

What: ICT PhD student welcome back BBQ
When: 9th September
Where: Kistan Forum Building

See you soon!
Your student council